Thursday, March 1, 2012


doing DAY 3 is about happiness...doing happiness...full throttle getting my studio super organized and cozy...playing my tunes...tea flowing from my lovely earthy tea cheering me on...creating a studio that is empowered with creativity, peaceful intent and happy vibes...feels like the day i step back into being a truthful artist..not hiding out behind functional pieces or what i think others want to see and buy...this is about creating from the source of everything...right there in the beautiful endless field of loving possibilities...and here is the most beloved singer i have in my heart...a big spirited woman...miss nina start this very passionate and important day off for me...big love everyone...

i am so full of peace and have no idea what a journey it has been or what demons i have entertained but now i am ready to let go of the past...even the most recent past that made me go OUCH and simply enjoy this process of healing...the last 3 days have meant so much to me...Soul amazed me with assistance to see my path...i objectively looked at my life...with honesty, clarity and forgiveness extended to myself and others...i am my best self and this is ego...and to apply it is so beautiful and grace filled...i am there...completely in it...and its feelin' good..


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