Wednesday, February 29, 2012


i fell asleep in the big red chair...and floated away...i landed on the banks of the ohio river where i use to live...across from mustapha my dream i was sitting on the dock...feet in the muddy water...a mulberry tree hanging over the waters edge...mulberries plopping in the water as catfish scrambled to gulp them were there...your smile sat down and pulled out a book and began reading to was a story within a story now...we were the story...

"what is this?" you asked and pointed to the catfish splashing..."oh it is catfish playing catch the mulberry" i laughed and got stood on the grassy bank and waited and waited...a mulberry fell and you quickly caught it in your hand and popped it into your mouth..."hey! no fair...those catfish dont have a chance now" i teased but i was laughing and enjoyed watching you grab another mulberry and another and another...and then you got too sure of yourself and leaned out more...reaching for a mulberry too far.....splash! went in...and flopped around quite nicely..."you make a fine catfish" i looked up through the wet strands of hair across your eyes and smiled at me..."yes! a fine catfish" you happily said...just then you looked up and caught a mulberry in your mouth!...."me too" i laughed and leaped in as well...tossing you aside to try my luck at this mulberry catching game...the catfish left of course...we were just too silly for them to be around...

and so this was my happy dream...i woke from it smelling jasmine in my tangerine room in an apartment i call a tree house...snow falling moving alittle slower up the street...night climbing in all cozy...i will build a proper nest in bed soon and hope to return to more lovely dreams...may we all find peaceful places tonight in our dreams and wake smiling...

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