Wednesday, February 8, 2012


my worries have become the rooted  tree of my wisdom...the lessons are the fruit ripening on the tree...

this line was something i wrote to myself the midst of great fatigue and heartfelt concern for my father (who's health is worsening but seems to be stable tonight)...i think of my life right now...this season of change...i think of what i must do for others and what i need to learn to do for myself...i think of the world and its troubles...i think of the suffering and the love i feel for all...i think of god...i am a lover of god...of the immense unseen hands caring for me and loving me through the rough parts...the beautiful mystery which brings in human angels at times to help guide me and help get me to a safe harbor when the storms of my own troubles come...and i think of myself as a human angel as well...reaching out to guide others to shore safely as well...

we are so beautiful...we human beings...we who live conscious loving kindness each day...

at the close of this day i hold each and every heartbeat sacred on this planet...countless yet each one precious...may we all see the value in one another and honor that value with great care and kindness to all...namaste

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