Thursday, September 1, 2011

up to maine and into myself

so much to say and now that the power is back on i can take my time and type away....

there were so many visuals on this trip to maine...great conversations with others, good food, grace-filled ritual, drumming, the beauty of women at peace and the green aliveness of nature...i found this wee moss hut to journey into and had such an organic moment in my journey where i became one with the soil, the trees, the creatures, the minerals and rocks...i felt my body become one with Mother Earth and it was a transformative moment...

since then i approach that moment slowly so the feelings dont overwhelm me...i take a bit of it and nibble on it to give me strength...a taste of green, a sip of cool spring water, a crunch of acorn...i am becoming who i started out to be and it is delightful... 

i left a day early because of hurricane irene...the morning of my departure and before loading my car i took a walk around part of the lake again...i found a little dock and dangled my feet into the water...water plants were to my side and the view of the lake's beach was in the distance...the mountains were before me...nature hushed herself and i meditated on the water...i was filled with a calmness and felt an unseen womanly hand touch my if to say "you are wonderful, a delight" my heart pounded and i felt dizzy...but it was more of my awakening and i let my heart open to it...

i closed my eyes and let the opening of my heart become a blossoming flower...i felt safe and comforted still by the unseen presence...when i opened my eyes and looked down i saw a reflected sky...the pines, the clouds and what i thought was a faint my eyes adjusted to see into the water i saw the rainbow was actually a bare stick on the bottom of the lake...but it made me smile to have my mind take up the water's reflection and create a rainbow for me...i do love rainbows so much...

the feeling of the unseen faded...the time came to return and so i walked again...seeing nature and all her visual gifts...a spiral of birch bark caught my eye...i stopped and heard in the distance the laughter of a woman...i felt so happy and started singing to myself...a song from back home in west virginia..."this little light of mine, i'm gonna let it shine"...

i have more to share but i am still letting it all sink in...the weave of words and feelings coming as the days go i will add more later...i will leave you with the sweet vibe of a little red squirrel i came across there...she seemed to be enjoying the company of everyone around her...

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