Friday, December 28, 2012

a courageous heart

once upon tonight...

fox slowly found her way to coyote's den...the moonlight gave her easy passage...she brought her beloved a basket of cranberries, acorns and rose hips still holding up even in this chilly winter's start...

fox smiled as she neared coyote's warm home...the little opening had coyote's soft earthy scent lifting up on the cold night air...she stopped and took in a deep breath...this love was still forming its edges and sharpening its aim..her heart was wounded before by a broken arrow's promise...she found it a challenge to let another arrow aim for her heart yet she was a brave one when it came to love...

here fox stood...a gift of food for this odd coyote...this vegetarian moon caller...this dancer of streams and polisher of star stones...spinner of stories...weaver of poetry...

the tender heart of the fox began to feel crowded with all the love she holds for this wise coyote who stumbled across her path a moon ago...

with shy steps she breached the cave opening...walking in to her happiness...leaving fear outside in the cold...

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