Tuesday, August 7, 2012

sorrow couples with regret

countless counted on times counted up to nothing...the ceremony of days coming and going...empty...grey...blurring years...as if hearts saw half-blind...creating nothing but tear stains on pages left blank and longing for words...earth air water and fire...winter spring summer and fall...north south east and west...sun rising up to only walk away again...moon never staying long enough...stars so distant and often shrouded...time passing like the cold fingers of ice reaching across a window glass...you there and me here...more than places apart...silence settling in when words got left behind...and then the dull thud of disappointed...the pantamime of friendship...the decay and then the dust...i will weep into that dust and fashion a clay figure...i will set it on a shelf...a keepsake...a rememberance...of lost chances and the letting go...

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