Saturday, January 11, 2014

filling up with love...

i have been enjoying the cool, damp air as the sun comes up behind the veil of open...the sound of birds in the bushes...a loud concert of canadian geese flying overhead...they arch and circled back...

i look out to see the tree tops quivering in the and there a nest is tucked in...a squirrels home...a birds nest...a tree elfs high rise dwelling...

it is a grey day...a day of writing...

i am at a point in my book where i am dealing with the death of a man...even in his last hour he is struggling in a battle between the darkness and light in him...will he have a transcending victory over his own ego and his own love of darkness? his eyes the darkness fades away and light fills him from beyond...will he open up to it? or will fear sink him to the bottom of the darkness?

how many people remember the times they have collected the darkness in them and the suffering it has created? many are distorting its importance?...thinking it is there to give value to the light...fooling themselves into believing it gives as much meaning to life as the light does...

to me it has no fact it is the blockage which keeps us from the is the only one...

there is no darkness in the place of the beloved one who created love ...that place is the origin of all is the beginning point of all love which flows in endless is the place our prayers fly off to and it is the place comfort and unconditional love reaches for everything there is the presence of the unseen beloved...but the beginning point is where it flows from and where we go home to...

we entered a world where there is both light and dark...good and not good...the freedom to say yes to life or no to it...there is rational thought flowing from a calm heartfelt spirit...there is the minds chatter and the jagged outcropping of an ever-hungry ego which feeds us to the darkness of this world...

from the tantrums of arrogance and judgement to the fog of a drugged mind to the ignorance of greed and gluttony the darkness smiles and reaches into whispers in a syrupy sweet voice of seduction..."you need me to be whole"..."you need me to be balanced" need me to become powerful"..."you need me"...

folks are on spiritual paths which dont reach back far enough to remember a time when that voice was not there...darkness has an easy sell these days...darkness is getting access to people now because there is a growing collective thought we should embrace our dark side...this is a path to destruction...and we see it all around us...everyone saying how bad things are yet they are still opening themselves up to the darkness in so many ways...

there is a reason the animals, trees, plants, water do not hear the darkness calling but humans do...we have become refuges from the light...the very thing we long for we now run from...we are wounded and hiding from all that is good...

we are born into this world from the place of light with the darkness waiting for us...this foreign entity...the darkness is a creature of suffering and sorrow which was born to this earth as well...older than any myth...but arriving after hunts us down and begins early to remove our allotted light from us...

the darkness was born from fear...fear came as consciousness took hold in the human mind and we began to understand the limits of our human that first moment of fear in a human heart the darkness found its birthing has grown powerful and full of seductions since...

people go to the darkness in their most private fearful moments...they crave wealth, fame, approval, power over others, worship, immortality...and there the darkness is...ready to feed on your fears...ready to give beguiling false promises you buy your arrogance you snatch and grab all you can to feed from the world of others as the darkness feeds on you...

the darkness hates likes to put out glossy promotional material in the form of gurus, celebrities, polished people of importance...talking heads that speak of love and compassion yet in their mind they plot and scheme...they angle and instigate so much deception...they dress the part and study the particular path they preach from...yet they are in love with the darkness and use others to feed their ego...

but we are living in very amazing times...the age of information and the age of awakening are propelling us into a greater level of understanding....many of us are seeing through the illusion the darkness creates...those who serve the darkness in ignorance or consciously are becoming easier to spot...these peacocks who dress up as doves are beginning to have less and less to feed on...

politicians are losing their power seats, preachers and gurus who serve the darkness are losing their worshippers, corporate systems built on the false promises of the darkness are collapsing under the weight of their gluttony...the greedy war machines of this earth are self is all shifting...light is speaking louder than darkness...its song is is the voice of the unseen reaching into us...

you can feel it cant you? it is an overwhelming may feel a moment of choking as the darkness is pushed are being filled with love...dont fight it...let it rise up...if you need to shake the darkness out of your body do so...or release it in a flow of sound from your mouth...sigh and breath deep...whatever you need to do compassionately for yourself to remove the gentle with yourself in this process...this is you reclaiming the sacred land of your own body...

you dont have to be devoured by darkness any can be filled with light...and it can stay fully in you from now on...because now you are a witness to the it comes to you in a whisper, another persons actions or the pull to act in some dark way yourself you will now see it for what it is and reject it...

this is the end to suffering...this is the embrace of the unseen...this is love...

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