Wednesday, August 24, 2011


off to the maine council of women tomorrow as hurricane irene plays tag with us all on the east coast...the power of this weather is amazing...may everyone come thru it safely...i will be traveling back down to rhode island on sunday...if weather permits me to...and i hope between those days to gather my strength and sweep away the last debri of a life that didnt fit...the winds of change are powerful...the hurricane a perfect metaphor...

my grandmother's name was irene...this hurricane fits the self work i have been doing too...i have been working very much on breaking the familial patterns we women get trapped grandmother and now my mother have had very similiar sad lives...i have carried part of their unhappiness with me and am returning it to life in many ways has been very different...though the coping skills they lacked i have often been in short supply of as this last bit of self work is to deal with this wounding and hurt related to my upbringing...i feel so fortunate to know how to approach my healing and feel so blessed to be life path is going to find a better winter than my mother is facing and my grandmother faced...and this autumn of my life is to be very sweet and gentle now...i know this and am happy about that...

so everyone on the east coast be careful and be prepared...

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