Saturday, August 13, 2011


keep thinking of my paintings today...wondering where some are i sold many years ago now...hoping my newer ones find a home soon...feeling the unborn ones gather inside me making themselves the meantime i am in the middle of my own re-birth in life and in art...which seems to be the same thing to is a sometimes very painful process...but a re-birth i am very proud of...

in moments when i feel as if my heart will give up and i will send my soul home to the place we all came from i still push on...breathing...moving towards something just out of sight...having faith..."this too shall pass"...and so even in a moment when today i felt the low ebb of hopelessness i also felt the peace reach in and let me know it is all exactly as it should be to get me to something better...

honestly the human part does wish the something better comes soon...but the spirit part of me is open and accepting and finds even the humor of my present silly struggles...

my spiritual guides...what some may call guardian angels even...are nudging at me today...telling me to laugh at it not take one moment of it all to heart...and i do laugh at it...humor has a way of wearing down the sharp edges that try to cut at you...humor says here look at it this way...see how it looks dressed up in a polka dot moo moo?...not so scary now is its not...

and so the day evolves...made it through a few minutes of self doubt...seeing the humor in what brought me down...knowing others have greater challenges in their lives than mine...grateful to have what i do have...and the sense to know to laugh and let go...

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