Tuesday, March 6, 2012


...InFinITe PoSsIBiLiTiES...
i keep plugging away at the teaching....playing catch up to getting the word out and so many other things right now...need to get more focused with how i use my time but i know the time i used up resting was important...so i just have to keep thinking positive thoughts...let go of worrying about the junky stuff of life and simply enjoy each day and what i can create with the hours i am given...this morning it is simply to do computer work...sip coffee...meditate...journey...

it will all work out exactly how it needs to work out...fully accepting...just moving along with the flow...being loving and kind without thought to it now...simply doing what comes naturally to us all when we untwist from the woundings we have suffered...staying on task and yet at the same time flexible to allow for sidebars and additions to my day...

teaching a touch drawing class tonight and even though just two folks have signed up so far...i do enjoy it so much it is not a chore or work...i do the drawings as well and they inspire me...and i hope that the others receive some insight and inspiration from it as well...so a happy day is in the works...

day 8 is about all the wonderful possibilities this day can bring...a lovely phone conversation out of the blue? a moment in nature? a delicious meal? a warm smile from a kind person? endless good things today...you just have to open up and receive them...much peace and love and light today... 

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