whenever i start a new art journal i state my intention for what i want to explore or expand upon, a goal i set and/or a dream to flesh out...this is my virtual art journal so i will begin it in this way as well...
my hope is to create an online journal of images and words that communicates my passion for inner exploration--
so in this beginning let me flesh myself out for you...
more to know about me...i am a tree hugger...literally...i love trees...one of my first loves was a cherry tree...the woods and i are old, dear friends...but i am also a sun-worshipping ocean lover...my peace expands as wide and as deep as the ocean when i meet her at the shore...the time i spend at the beach is time i spend at home in my "happy place"...
there is more to know but for now simply know this...we are hitting an intense corrective moment in this world we navigate...a transition from one way to another is occurring...ancient influences are coming now to assist us in this transition...
from the cave drawings recently discovered in France and elsewhere to nearly lost nature-centered ways there are "tools" being handed to us again...tools used to repair a broken world...our collective consciousness is understanding before our ordinary world has even recognized the shifts in thinking...compassion is taking an important place in this newly evolving "phase" of the earth and her family...many of our actions which have harmed the earth are beginning to be corrected...man-made destructive behavior is being recognized and we are simply making a course correction in our own approach to co-existing on this planet with the natural world...change is sometimes difficult but we will come out of it a better world of beings...a more loving family...
i hope to help you navigate these changes and find help as well...with humor, love and compassion we can make this world a peaceful, kind and good place to reflect what it was meant to be for us all...home...
so friends...lets do a little work together and a lot of play and have happy days together...
much peace...colleen
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