Friday, September 14, 2012


poetry is clogging my veins this morning...i want to sit and write...let the lines spill out of honey from a wine from lips...i have words so layered with meaning...deep like the footprints of the big island at the floor of the ocean...i have words soaring swiftly a soul sprung loose from its earthly cage...more words nesting in lovers embrace...softly smiling words of saturation...words swimming wildly in a stream...silver bellies flashing scaly and gleaming...words...words....words coursing through me...running wild like ponies...a great waterfall of words cascading through my mind...words breathing like plum blossoms coming to life...words sifting through me with the same happiness as the sunlight sifting through clouds...words pulsing with the drumbeat of my blood...words pressed to me like your kiss presses against my heart...words filling me and thrilling me and chanting for freedom...words sleeping against my bones...words crying out with joy...words praising the morning...

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