i have travelled to many countries and am getting ready for a long trip again...i have taught many places yet each time i teach a class or meditation i grow and learn as well...
i remember one of my first teaching gigs and amazing adventures...i was in sedona with a friend...i gathered the class on a big red rock and sat there for 3 hours...we sweat our shapes onto the rocks at one point...when we all got up it looked like deep red shadows dancing...some more fully formed shadowy beings...others just blurry masses...we watched them slowly fade and it was as if the rock was blessing us...it was a deeply spiritual moment...one person said they had felt like they were sitting in the hand of god as we meditated...and i agreed...it did feel like we were being held in a loving sacred way...
another time i was teaching a group of very active children in belfast ireland...i covered the room with a large square of canvas and we worked on a large improvised bird...we all just started seeing this bird appear as paint got splashed and smeared...so we started adding feathery shapes...a brightly colored tail appeared...swirls of clouds...it was visual music...you could hear this exotic bird singing colors...a story came and each child added something to the story of the great bird who flew beyond what we could see with our eyes...
i taught a family how to paint a landscape when i was living in nova scotia...we watched storm clouds roll in from the ocean...sun on one side and loud clouds of fierce grey racing to the shore...we made it to the car and had a picnic inside as the rain hammered the car roof and lightning zipped across the sky...
i think of all the spirited art classes and meditations and talks i have given...all the stories shared and all the meals...i think of the long string connecting me with so many of these people...they were friends i hadnt met yet...
and so soon i go to taiwan...to meet friends i havent met yet...adding more threads of connection...more growth...more lessons...
as i think of all these times here and in other places i become so moved to know i am made a better person for the adventures...with so much more to learn from others and spirit...always learning...always filled with the grace of it all...
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