once at a march against a nuke plant in ohio i was called an "earther"...a good old boy with a pickup truck and southern flag shouted it at me as he stomped out a cigarette...i had never heard the word before or since...but i like it...i am an earther...a tree hugging nature worshipping lover of this world and all two-leggeds four-leggeds swimmers flyers and wigglers...
i am making some radical personal changes and it is because i love people and the planet and know we all deserve health and happiness...i took this pic of a bumbler a couple of years ago...
there was not one honey bee to be seen that day and yet flowers surrounded me and the clover flowers were thick...the bees are a warning sign something is wrong...
congress doesnt want to let states have the freedom to label gmo foods...they are allowing the tar sands pipeland to stretch from the border with canada all the way to texas and another through new england...politicians are fine with fracking...
i always saw obama as a politician second...but now i see him as a politician first...he makes trades to get one thing and sacrifice another...he has done some good and yet he has not played the game hard enough at times yet other times he has played it like any other politician...he backs destructive energy voodoo projects and congress is congress...they want to please the powerful and fake the voters out...
i sat at a park recently and watched trash float in a lake...plastic bottles wrappers mostly and i got mad at myself for not getting up and fishing it out...i was tired of picking up other folks trash and it bothered me to do it one more time...i got upset at my discouragement so i jumped up and grabbed a stick...3 bottles and a pile of trash later it was fished out...i found a deep peace in this...i didnt curse the folks who littered...i sent them encouragement not to do so again...
i have recycled and emailed my reps...i have marched...i even was a member of a small group of teachers and "earthers" who successfully defeated a medical waste incinerator in of all places coolville ohio...we got a law changed to not allow the building of the incinerator within a thousand feet of a school...it was to be built near the school and a nursing home on an old kodak processing site already polluted...the incinerated corporation already polluting and in trouble down south called retired teachers and earthers and others "environmental terrorists" from outside the area...i held up my drivers license at one meeting i got so sick of being called an outsider...old folks broke down and cried at the thought of an incinerator in their neighborhood...18 wheelers coming and going at all hours...
but we had a state rep...ted strickland...who went on to become governor....he worked at drafting a bill that passed and we won...
now reps often push you aside for big business and forget we the people are these elected officials business...not the corporations they now see as "a person"...
transcanada promises jobs and gets to rip up american soil to trail a pipeline down the middle of our country and are trying to in new england (check out their map at http://transcanada.com/)... the fracking industry is secretive and often protected and given access to public lands and private...folks are just now understanding the devastating costs of GMO food supply...yet our government is protecting monsanto and others...
the bees are telling us something is wrong...just like the eagles spoke to us once...years ago monsantos DDT thinned the shells of eagles eggs after they has eaten contaminated fish and we were losing one of our most precious gifts of the wild...now it is the bees...and our own food supply again...the bees are showing us we have over reached with pesticides/herbicides and GMOs...
i live in this world not just seeking my own pleasures...i live in this world for the retired teacher whos hand i held when she cried at a town meeting...she was afraid for her grandbabies and her community...she was living her life for them and for me...it was how i was raised too...to take to heart i am my brothers and sisters keepers and the beloved/creator/god is witnessing my harm to this world...
but we live in a harsher world now...folks are stressed out from their lives and they often go for the easy...i have too...i have bought processed polluted food when i havent had time to cook...i have soothed myself with buying cheap things to make me momentarily happy...but i started remembering the days when shopping wasnt a recreation and cooking from scratch was worth the time and a pleasure to feed others a good home cooked meal...i play the lovely words "moderation in all things" as a way to remind me to not be gluttonous...
but the world is weary...i see folks tired and drained...i am too...i am run down from these harsh times...how can i expect folks to care...to self motivate...yet i do hope it...i hope they see we are here for each other...
i know if i lift my spirit up and stay positive it is my own strength which will change the world for the better...i will grow healthier and happier and stronger if i remove alot of polluted food from my life and detox my body...if i feed my spirit with kind and gentle people who respect me and wont stress me out...if i do what i love i will earn enough to pay my bills...i keep it simple and am happy...i clutter my life with disharmony in my food or my personal life or my apartment and i am unhappy...
i have made driving habit changes and reduce energy use in my home..."reduce, reuse, recycle" is easy...i think before i purchase...i adapt and adapt and adapt with a good feeling as i make changes...
i know folks can do more...i believe we can change habits and take care of the earth and each other...i even have enough faith to believe corporations can change for the better...if lead by open hearted folks all is possible...so more hearts need to be helped to open aye?
for i think the root of it all is love...and to see the real purpose to life...to plug back in to each of our original "mission to earth"...it is a hard thing to break through and do...it is easier to hide out and live closed off...it is easier to not care...it is easier to have majickal thinking and say oh aliens will come and clean it all up or god will fix it...but what alien would come down and visit this mess? and why would god clean up our mess when we made it? heck i wouldnt even let folks into heaven the way they trash this earth...let alone give them a first class ticket to another place...i would send some folks back to clean it up in fact...here monsanto exec...here is a mop...start mopping up the muck in this 3rd world prison...or better yet the exec comes back as a bee for oh lets say a million times...each time knowing it was once a monsanto exec who helped poison bees...
ah the soapbox is wearing me out...but the thing i am getting at is i care...i care and i will do my best to make this earth a healthy happy place for you...for your children...for your childrens children...i love this beautiful world...i love you...i have hope...i have my moments when i get discouraged but then i know i have no option but to be hopeful...to do my best...to be loving and compassionate and accepting...to be a good steward of the earth...to do my part for everyones sake and yet live with the thought others may not care enough but not keep at it...
when i close my eyes from this world and leave my body behind i want to be able to say i loved this world the best i could and was respectful...
i respect this gift we were given...this blue planet spinning...it really is amazing...we are amazing...and precious...
so look to the bees...they have been here creating our food by their simple act of pollination...we owe them life...we owe each other life...lets begin...
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