Wednesday, July 4, 2012


i took this pic of a strawberry with one petal left...i sat with it for a few minutes and waited for the right wind to take the last petal away...the wind shook it and the petal surrendered...the little bit of a strawberry spoke to me...taught me...she saw me...she saw my aging body and sensed its fatigue...i am turning 50 this year...a year in which i feel like i am starting over in many other ways just getting started...she knew all of nature she knew everything:)

this wee bit said this is where i am the summer turning from flower to fruit...she said to be in the sun and enjoy harvest time this play and grow and stretch and become what i was suppose to be but kept still under the surface for too long...i was a seed and then a flower becoming a fruit...

and then i thought about other people i know...the changes and revelations...the self work and the self acceptance...the becoming...the constant transformation...from days to seasons to years...markers letting us know we are becoming more and more ourselves until the final all-knowing when we go again to where we all go...

i have seen death and faced it...i have sometimes even embraced it...but yet this drive for getting through this lifetime has been there as well...and now i am releasing the last petal and ripening...letting go of the thing i thought i was and embracing what i am...and then someday releasing it and becoming something endless transformation...change...impermanence even in my own my own ways...

i hope where ever you are in the process you know you have a kindred...we sweeten together, aye?...and someday i will be sweet enough and become the best strawberry wine:)...

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