Thursday, October 31, 2013


as children's screams and laughter snatch at the darkness the wind rattles the tree bones and sends the leaves in a spiraling death dance to the the streetlight outside my third floor window looks like a cyclops interloper...i sit in my big blue chair with a cozy blanket and a pot of tea...

staring into the bottom of the emptied cup the tea leaves resemble the crescent moon..

i the veil is the spirits walk alongside the living and the living can hear these i sit in my solitude and journey...i know i am at the crossroads...

i am ready to step forward and take that wondrous leap of faith...i am ready to open my heart like a dove's soft wings...i am ready to answer the call of my own wild spirit...i am ready to write a more adventuress chapter in my book of the living...

here tonight i am free...i am whole...i am fully plugged in...i am love...

Monday, October 14, 2013

plan b...

plans change and my plan b for the morning is poetry and afternoon is studio work and evening is it all works out...

as the trees shapeshift and there is more dark hours to dine on the candle's light i turn to irish and scotish poets...this morning some silly weeping over robert burns...if you have never read "to a mouse" it is worth the time...such a sweet wee of my is where the line "the best laid schemes of mice and men" comes from...

i am definitely wading through tender-hearted times lately...i feel as if i am breathing in the air of ireland...if you have walked the land there you know what i isnt a sadness in the land but a suspension of time...the soul of the green hills speaks right into your heart...the etched rainbows in heavy clouds brings your eyes up to smile at god...a slant of light squeezing into a crack in a stone wall reminds you to shine even when you come up against hardship...the fast running wind through a valley reminds you to put out your arms and run/fly too...sheep inching along a cliff's edge tells you the risk is worth it...the raven crossing your path gives you pause to bless the life you have...and Death...the ever present companion walking with us as we walk through our days is silently counting down our allotted steps...

today i feel full of the sacred memories of walking in nature in different parts of the world...i feel humbled...i feel wild and green...just like ireland...

Friday, October 4, 2013

trippy good stuff...

a beautiful meditation leading into a journey the pulsing sound of crickets...relaxing into a deep state of knowing...complete emptiness...expanding and expanding...feeling the edges of myself dissolving until i was not a body but a presence...

to get to this expansiveness i went deep into myself...until only i...the eternal...was present...then i went up...beyond the clouds...beyond the stars...beyond the dark...beyond...

i felt it then...the pure love...endless and constant...the flow...i sensed i could ask questions and so i did...and the answers came with such peace and ease...they were mundane questions of what i should be doing and am i on the right i doing ok...and i felt the love simply hold me as it gave me clear loving human self feeling comforted and reassured...nurtured...i asked more questions...ones about love and my feelings for ever present drive to keep my heart open and spiritually in alignment with love...the struggles i have with expressing love or being loving...

the one who was answering my questions shined through me...and i felt so...well...part of something indescribably beautiful...what is this i asked...who is this?

lights came...these amazing waves of light i can only describe as joy charged reactions to the happiness i was feeling along with the if i was making this place happy...

some might say the lights are angels but i think of them as light beings...a countless swirling glorious dance of them...moving in waves and whirl pooling to me...and then i sensed what i was in...what i am always in...what i never leave but cant sense fully as a human because i block it with ego and nonconstructive attachments...

i am in the consciousness of is where i always a great flow of love and peace...and in asking i made this consciousness if i brought this human love to this divine love...and simply by my presence of acceptance and appreciation of this beautiful experience i created happiness there...

i thought this is where we all are...this IS the oneness...this immense feeling of endless space within me is actually who i am...i am dwelling always with the consciousness of the a visual it is breathtaking...the vastness...and the feeling of love is overwhelmingly inspiring...

there is so much we dont experience as humans...we cant...we have to live this artificial life of body and experience teachings about how to love as a singular form to reflect back into the oneness we are...

ego wants you to think you are god...but ego is all about power and control and keeping you small and the oneness i understood this...

i am not god...i am the oneness of everything god is...which to me is different...i dwell in oneness with a consciousness so simple yet so infinite...

my human life is soul is taking in lessons...i am sending love or suffering out...the suffering can be transformed...the love added...

(wow this is all hard to explain and totally out

it is so much better to create happiness and contentment in the consciousness of god than to bring unhappiness to be transformed...i knew this...instantly...feeling it...i felt suffering come from this physical world and sensed the light beings transforming it...

this was so much to experience...still letting it unfold in my human heart and soul...

but i feel at peace tonight after this head trip...

i feel like i am even more sure than ever god is love...and i am with god and i am love...even as my human activities sometimes dilutes the love as it comes up in me...i am still always in the consciousness of the beloved...not really here at all...just in a body doing human things...

and it is ok to be this human doing this life...humans arent so bad...actually it is very remarkable to have a physical have limits and challenges and transcend is a good thing for a human to not be afraid and to simply forget about measuring time or being in such a hurry to gobble life up...being more human is to be more loving i took away from this as well...

so i am going to be more human from now on...