Monday, February 25, 2013

jasmine in bloom

a year of living alone

where the bitter and the sweet greeted one another each morning
where i found myself in a cage of bones
yet i also found the courage
to open my heart and heal
 now the sun grows closer...
smiling through the prayer flags
blossoms arrive

my emptied out heart
has let the songbirds in...
i have new wings
and am learning new songs
spring brushes softly against my cheek this day
jasmine sighs
a fragrant breath
 i whisper a sacred vow to myself
and let the sunlight in...


Sunday, February 24, 2013


these are my words now...
visual poems...



aloha ke akua (god is love)

aloha ke akua in hawiaan means god is love....kuleana means the right thing to do/responsibility...i love hawiaan spirit music and ho'oponopono... check out the website at the end of the lyrics...shout out and thanks to gordon for the great gift of this song showing up today!

“Aloha Ke Akua”
Nahko Bear (Medicine for the People)

Lend your ears, lend your hands,
Lend your movement, anything you can.
Come to teach, come to be taught.
Come in the likeness in the image of God.
Cause, you can be like that.
With all that humbleness, and all that respect.
All of the power invested in me,
be it hard to love my enemies.
All of the black bags over the heads of the dead and dying.
The more I understand about the human race,
the less I comprehend about our purpose and place
and maybe if there was a clearer line
the curiosity would satisfy.
Time based prophecies that kept me from living,
in the moment I am struggling
to trust the divinity of all the guides
and what the hell they have planned for us.
I cry for the creatures who get left behind
but everything will change in a blink of an eye
and if you wish to survive,
you will find the guide inside.
I go back and forth every single day,
the clarity it comes to me in a choppy way,
as the feelings and the places
and the seasons change,
the galaxies remain.
Energy fields pullin’ up out of this space.
The angels that are a couple to the spiritual waste.
The hate that gets me distant from my spiritual pace.
Ten fold the manna when the planets are in place, in polar alignment.
We’re on assignment.
Bodies on consignment.
Return them to the circus.
And what is the purpose?
What is the purpose and would you believe it?
Would you believe it
if you knew what you were for
and how you became so in form?
Bodies of info performing such miracles.
I am a miracle made up of particles
and in this existence,
I’ll stay persistent,
and I’ll make a difference
and I will have lived it.
Aloha, Aloha Ke Akua, Ke Akua,
Aloha, Aloha, Kuleana, Kuleana.
Aloha, Aloha Ke Akua, Ke Akua,
Aloha, Aloha, Kuleana, Kuleana.
Each day that I wake,
I will praise, I will praise.
Each day that I wake,
I give thanks, I give thanks.
Each day that I wake,
I will praise, I will praise.
Each day that I wake,
I give thanks, I give thanks.
And the day that I don’t wake up
and transcend the holy make-up,
I am capable, I am powerful.
And the day that I don’t wake up
and transcend the holy makeup,
I am on my way to a different place….
I’m not a leader, just a creature,
seeking the features of a teacher.
Whether you follow or whether you lead
All mysterious ways of nature and I’m into it.
Changing management.
And there are various ways to conquer this monotonous metropolis,
my stubbornness is bottomless,
my fearlessness is talking shit
and I’m wide awake and I’m taking names.
I am not a leader, just a creature.
Seeking the features of a teacher.
Whether you follow or whether you lead
All mysterious ways of nature and I’m into it.
I’m into it.
Changing management.
And there are various ways to conquer this monotonous metropolis,
my stubbornness is bottomless,
my fearlessness is talking shit
and I am wide awake.
And I’m taking names.
And there are various ways to conquer this monotonous metropolis,
my stubbornness is bottomless,
my fearlessness is talking shit,
and I’m wide awake and I’m taking names.
Do you speak to me like you speak to God?
All of the love and understanding between the father and the son?
Do you believe in the perfectness of where you are?
These are my people, these are my children,
this is the land that I would fight for.
My solidarity is telling me to patiently
be moving the musical medicine around the planet in a hurry,
Cuz there’s no time to waste.
Got to wake up the people time to stand up and say,
we know what we are for
and how we became so in form.
Bodies of info, performing such miracles.
I am a miracle, made up of particles
and in this existence,
I’ll stay persistent
and I’ll make a difference
and I will have lived it. ……..
Aloha, Aloha Ke Akua, Ke Akua,
Aloha, Aloha, Kuleana, Kuleana.
Aloha, Aloha Ke Akua, Ke Akua,
Aloha, Aloha, Kuleana, Kuleana.
Each day that I wake,
I will praise, I will praise.
Each day that I wake,
I give thanks, I give thanks.
Each day that I wake,
I will praise, I will praise.
Each day that I wake,
I give thanks, I give thanks.
And the day that I don’t wake up
and transcend the holy make-up,
I am capable, Hm that’s right,
I am powerful.
And the day that I don’t wake up and transcend the holy make-up,
I am on my way to a different place!
Aloha, Aloha Ke Akua, Ke Akua,
Aloha, Aloha, Kuleana, Kuleana.
Aloha, Aloha Ke Akua, Ke Akua,
Aloha, Aloha, Kuleana, Kuleana.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

a changeling returns

i could match each drop of rain tonight with a cleansing tear...i could fill the room with words yet i sit silently...defeat is faced yet i am not defeated...a simple yes to the surrender...a nod to the falling peace...grounded in my body...a balanced polarity...the child in me smiling...

there is no room in my heart for sorrows visit gentle spirit reminds me i know my way...i have the blessing of the unseen...i have the grace of my existence beyond this cage of bones...i have the hopes and dreams which live in my best thoughts...i have Her smile in my mind...i have Her voice in my ear...i am not alone even as i am in this place alone...for i dwell not here but in the sacred woods...a changeling returns home...

all is well tonight...She is there to greet me...

i stayed too long here...i battled too hard...when all i needed to do was walk away...but fear holds some humans in settings...a weight invisible yet just as heavy...each warrior must decide to push on in the destruction of the old self or turn and leave Death one short...

i turn...and walk into the woods...

a campfire is dancing shadows against the tree trunks...a bed roll and a bit of food give me comfort...i rest...then i will walk deeper into the sacredness...and closer to my birthing nest...done with battles...finished with wars...bow string cut...arrowheads left in a pouch for another to use...this part is finished...a new part will soon begin...

Monday, February 18, 2013


i am
a seeker
 i rise
 i lift my head up 
i open to the Light
i will not bow down
i can not be enslaved 
i am driven
by my nature
to reach
beyond the comfort
of the world below 
i am not greater than
i am not lesser than
i am as you are
you are as i am
it is as simple as this:
i am conscious
i know i am the lotus
i kno i am the mud
rise up
open yourself
live with me
in the Light

Saturday, February 2, 2013

words trailing off into the distance

caught up in a rush of words tonight..
fast fingers frantic to get all of these words out and on the screen...

was writing in the flow...about a trip i took into the desert once...i was amazed i could write so much in two hours...

the memory fast tracking over boulders and along dry river beds...sweat pouring down me...throwing the backpack to the ground and then myself onto a shaded rock...its red surface soaking up my sweat...imprint left when i got up...

a chica chihuahua i named tippy greeted me back at the ranch with growls and a tail wag...

oh and i wrote about the guitar gal there who took my heart up into the stars when she played...called me darlin' and melted me with honey sweet smiles...she was one of those southern charmers i have a weakness in the knees for...

more typing and a tunnel of love where the moon was the door and we went in...coyote howling and a boot stompin two step...strawberry wine straight from the bottle...and more words...crashing like lightning that bites a tumbleweed on the run...

words and words and i am drunk on love with words...all these words i have written in my life...or said...or read...billions it has to be...since the moment i came into this world with a cry and a coo...the first word stumbled upon...and someday curious to know what my last will be...i hope it is the simple string of words i mean every time i say them...i love last thought and my last word...

favorite configuration...rejoice...ginormous...slither...yes...

and i am easily amused at saying one word to create an avalanche of them...give me a word and i can build a story around it...for each word carries such weight...a single word is a seed and in the seed is an epic...

ah the word epic...doesnt it just make you want that word to tell you a story...

other words others have said...

my aunt and my mom have mangled yelling at me in the store to grab some "sheep dip" when she meant cheap dip...and there are a thousand more mangled words she has created over the span of her 72 years...

last year a word kept coming at me from different folks...the word it is used alot after someone says something important or someone says a prayer in groups i have gone to...but in my neck of the woods growing up it was a word that meant shut every time someone says it for a cool way to say amen...well i want to giggle because they are telling the person who just prayed to shut up...aho...hold your tongue...

look at all these words i just rambled on about because i was excited about writing words for the last couple of hours...but i love them you see...i love words...i would miss them if they went away...some folks are hoping we will go scifi telepathic but not me...i hope we never let go of our words...guess i will be the last one to ever say aho...

Friday, February 1, 2013


imbolc today...the beginning of spring's stirrings...brigit turns her face to the other side and begins to reveal the beauty of the flowers and new life as she draws the warm sun closer to our nesting places...

she is the poetry in my veins...she billows her breath into my lungs which feeds the flames of my warrior heart...she gives healing from her underworld springs...

though the catholics may have taken her on as st. brigid she will always be old irish!...the goddess brigit will always be the goddess of fire...and in the ash this morning i saw her blessing...the bit of cloth left for her last night blew away and it made me smile...twice before it has blown away...

brigit...unwavering...there in the dark of the winter whispering to the seeds which are planted not in the ground but in our feminine knowing...we who know her feel these seeds beginning to sprout...

she who is always reaching out from the fires...lifting up the words inside of me...sending me healing is her day...we who remember the old ways...we are grateful for brigits wisdom and strength on this day...she who was born of fire and water...emerging from the mother as the emerald jewel of spring...she IS ireland...