Monday, October 31, 2011

cedar swamp

the reflective pool of possibilities

tiny tim buzzard says....


the cold bites

off for the weekend to gather with a house full of women at the cape...a wicked nor'easter came to new england on the tail of saturday...the bones of the cape house i stayed at creaked and moaned as the wind howled up from the marsh...doors slammed and windows shook...covers piled up in the beds and bodies in the house fisted themselves like chippermunks...stars hid and the crescent moon backed away...clouds were in a mad race to get over to the other side of the world...all hell broke free and halloween was a coming on the back of a crazed black stallion of coldness...rain smashed thickly against the land...tree limbs gave way and crashed to the earth...

yet the sun came in the morning...slowly...pushing the greyness away...the wind still did a wild cauldron dance but it was day...night was banished...and when the wind shook the house hard it seemed less ominous...the spirits of the house took a moment to rest from their own night of watching over us and listened to our morning chatter...tea and coffee brewed...nibbling on food began...the house full of women who gathered for the weekend were all rested and ready to do another day together...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

i pray for sleep...

tonight it is difficult...tonight i want to open my mouth and speak...let the words i hold back flood out of me...shine my thoughts brighter than the stars...beaming them to you...

but i cant...i have empty hands...i have tired and empty hands...i have nothing to give you but i sit on my hands so i dont forget and reach out...i close my eyes and try to not look your way...i hide my eyes so you wont see in...i hide...and crave the night to swallow me whole...for sleep to come...for my wings to fly me to my only a a gentle a soft the place i can open my mouth, my eyes, my heart...this night is difficult for sleep will not come...i can not make it home...

all hallows eve

In the letting go of the light,
with Harvest's crescendo,
we Celts face the cold
with bonfires and ale.
One last night before
Winter's dark descent--
this enemy we can never defeat
but burrow deep and avoid.
Yet tonight let the dead
dance with the living
and all will be as it should be
with the crimson-clawed morning

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

cool waters

i am the unborn...floating...the sound of the ocean in my ears...i am kindred of all those creatures who swim the cool waters...i am boundless...i move through worlds and see all...i am cradled by the this place i know my name...i am this place i know my is to Love...i know to leave here...i know when to go...i will find my way back to the cool waters someday...i will find other kindred souls along the way who somehow know...without perhaps knowing...and yet instict flows through them to the cool the feel that perfect Love and remember their names...all of us...our names being...the same...One...

Live It

In the end the sandcastle is still sand.
A cloud blasted by sunset colors
Will always fall back into darkness.
A hand reaching out will let go.
I'm learning if you do not devour life
Life will surely devour you. Live your story.
Don't let a word of your life be written by others.

Friday, October 14, 2011

a journey to the tree

a beautiful journey at 4 a.m...
floating up into a tree...
becoming more me than i have been in days...
the leaves speaking to me...telling me to take courage...
the tree cradling me in a happy nest of feathers...rocking me...
she is a strong deep rooted tree...she tells me to go to my roots...
she tells me to reach up to the great spirit...
she tells me to continue to be of service...
stand strong in my integrity no matter what comes...
to accept the storms...
take in the sunshine with gratitude...
to live by the seasons...
celebrate each ring of the year added to my life...
then tree pulled me close to her...whispering...
"you are never alone wee never have been...
the trees have always watched over you..."

Thursday, October 13, 2011

just passin' thru...

perched on the last sun worshipers the monarch rests and has a few drinks of nectar before headin on...

Saturday, October 8, 2011


bittersweet isnt just a vine...but it has the same effect...growing over a heart...weighing you down...pulling you to the ground...grow roses instead...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

mellow music moment...

england dan and john ford coley's "love is the answer"

i shift my gears into mellower slow music in the fall...add more easy flow takes me back to crisp autumn evenings in high school...girl's basketball practice...lungs stinging as i ran to town to do chores...yellow jackets attacking my bottle of coke as i stood behind the gym chatting up a girl i had a crush on...the slow dance of leaves falling from the dances and hanging outside with the guys who were too cool to dance...reading at a courthouse lawn bench in the last warm days left til spring...homemade apple butter on bread taken right from the oven...the daydreams that were so full of adventures to come...

who knew all these years later i still daydream about more adventures...become a captain crunch stomping through the leaves...find little bits of sun to sit in and read and am that same girl who knows as i did then "love is the answer"...

i'm so hungry...

i am so hungry i could eat a rock...

Monday, October 3, 2011


create a day of whimsy and make a fun bit of art or bake and decorate a funny looking cake...even if you can only go as far as stick people creatively then i bet those stick people can fly with heart-shaped wings or balance an smiley faces...i bet you can see a humorous thing and snap a photo...whimsy up for it or make it from your own unique flavor of humor and delight...i think this kind of childlike behavior is needed more today than any other time...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

good morning...i love you

i have many favorite words...but LOVE is my favorite every language and in the silence of another's suffering and happiness there is Love's is in the curl of a baby's fingers around the hand of a gentle the song of the the last breath of a person who uses their breath to say i love you... is such a simple quickly said is often said out of habit...for me each time i utter it i feel the word rocket from me...arching over to the other person and entwining that feeling into their a warm light of an embrace soul deep...

and love does take courage at show give it without not hold it back and use it as a form of race towards those you love and show turn love into action is being awake to your own be give can save the world...

so be a brave lover today...i am...i love you...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

living consciously

at the last touch of sunset...on the edge of the world...when this time winds people live in fear....let us be the chorus of those who sing everyone home...standing strong...braving all that happens...pulling together and lifting up our Light ...shining bright...roaring into the long cold night...breathing fire into the dawn of a new way...a new day...redeeming the earth...renewing the vow...all the way awake...fully one...all together...reborn...